Begin With a Letter
Lisa Bergquist is a Spellers Method provider at Spellers Center Atlanta and a certified yoga instructor through the Yoga Alliance. She received her B.A. in Biology from Kennesaw State University. After teaching yoga for nearly 20 years, Lisa was introduced to spelling by a dear friend; she found an instant connection. Spelling, like yoga, is based upon bringing the mind and body together. With a focus on refining gross motor skills, Lisa teaches people with sensory and motor differences to use spelling to communicate their thoughts and ideas. By using purposeful motor movement, clients develop the necessary strength and skills to spell on letter boards or keyboards with accuracy. With patience and fortitude, there is so much the spellers can accomplish!
Spellers Method is a communication practice specifically designed for individuals with motor challenges. This includes Autistic people from ages 6-96! Together we'll practice the purposeful motor skills necessary so students of any age can point to letters on a board and spell their thoughts and ideas. We begin with a letter!
As with yoga, the goal of Spellers Method is to find the union between the brain and body. Spelling is an excellent alternative to spoken or written communication because it moves the body's focus from fine motor skills to the gross motor. We begin by engaging the body with specific prompting styles that are phased out as spellers gain motor control and accuracy. With consistent practice, motor skills improve. Students progress from pointing to letters on letterboards to typing their open communications on a keyboard.